With Alptrails Mountain Biking
Riding technique warmup

You want to improve your riding technique before you hit the trail of the bike marathon? Join one of the free riding technique warmups and learn everything you need to know about the right position on the bike, shifting, braking and other helpful basics for your safety and more fun on the trail.

Free workshop.
Take the chance for a technique refresher just before the National Park Bike Marathon. The Alptrails team is looking forward to seeing you! Maximum number of participants: 6 persons per unit.
Friday, 29.08.2025
- 14:00-15:00 BASIC workshop:
Position, round kick, shifting, getting on and off the bike, braking, cornering. - 15:00-16:00 PRO workshop:
Position, front/rear wheel lift, root and stone offsets, bunnyhop, rear wheel offset, hairpin turns.
Meeting point
Alptrails Bikeshop booth in the Village am Stradun (finish area in Scuol near Graubündner Kantonalbank)
None for Bike Marathon participants of all categories!

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