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The bike routes at a glance

Tinetta Strimer from Ardez. Picture: Dominik Täuber.
Tinetta Strimer from Ardez. Picture: Dominik Täuber.
For beginners, families with children and professionals. All bike routes lead through the intact, beautiful mountain landscape around the Swiss National Park.
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In the Val S-charl. Image: Dominik Täuber.
In the Val S-charl. Image: Dominik Täuber.

141 km & 3'848 eg. Bike route "Vallader"

The royal route with start and finish in Scuol leads once around the national park, through the scenically impressive Val Mora and over the challenging pass Chaschauna with single trail action.

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Durch das landschaftlich beeindruckende Val Mora. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
Durch das landschaftlich beeindruckende Val Mora. Bild: Dominik Täuber.

107 km & 2'756 eg. Bike route "Jauer"

The second longest route starts in Fuldera in Val Müstair and leads directly through the beautiful Val Mora to Livigno. After the Chaschauna pass, the rapid descent into the Engadin awaits you.

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70 km & 1'767 eg. Bike route "Livignasco"

After the start in Livigno, the rigorous climb to the roof of the National Park Bike Marathon, the Pass Chaschauna, awaits directly! This is followed by the single trail descent through the Engadine.

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47 km & 870 eg. Bike route "Putèr"

The popular route for hobby bikers and families leads through picturesque Engadine villages. In the "Big & Small" category, children accompanied by an adult are already allowed at the start.

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Die Teilnehmer geniessen das Rennen. Bild: Sportograf.
Die Teilnehmer geniessen das Rennen. Bild: Sportograf.

33 km & 435 eg. Bike route "Zernezer"

The first mountain bike racing adventure can begin! The new route from Zernez is particularly suitable for bike beginners, young riders and all connoisseurs.

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There is no bad weather.

76 km & 1'571 eg / 107 km & 2'771 eg. The alternative routes

There is no such thing as bad weather. We unpack the attractive alternative routes in "special" conditions. Because your safety and enjoyment of biking are paramount!

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Nationalpark Bike Marathon

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Coop Verpflegung für den Nationalpark Bike-Marathon

Our catering partner COOP

You can find the complete range of high-energy products of Coop here.

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