August 30, 2025


With its varied routes for beginners, families and professionals around the Swiss National Park, the National Park Bike Marathon is one of the most beautiful bike races in Switzerland. Sign up, grab your mountain bike and join in!  Registrations will reopen at march 1st 2025.
  • Register early for one of the most beautiful bike marathons and save your entry fee!
  • Get a personalised race number with your name on it
  • Thanks to our sponsor ÖKK, all children and young people aged 6 - 18 can once again take part free of charge!
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To the registration

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What awaits you

Watch Nationalpark Bike-Marathon: Anmeldung 2024 eröffnet! on YouTube.
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Der Start bei der «Vallader»-Strecke in Scuol. Bild: Sportograf.
Der Start bei der «Vallader»-Strecke in Scuol. Bild: Sportograf.

New Young people under 18 are allowed to partcipate!

Are you under 18 years old and would like to register for one of the National Park Bike Marathon routes? - Then fill in the disclaimer for young people.

Disclaimer for young people (German)
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Neu Annullationskostenversicherung

In the event of illness or accident, you can apply for a refund by submitting a medical certificate to Europäische Reiseversicherungs AG. If your application is accepted, you will automatically receive a Datasport voucher for the insured amount.

Europäische Reiseversicherungs AG
Steinengraben 28, CH-4003 Basel
T +41 61 275 27 27


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For you.

Helpful information

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Joy while biking in Val Mora. Picture: Dominik Täuber.
Entry fee and prize money
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
Starter package
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
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Race regulations
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
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Verpflegungsposten bei der Alp Chaschauna. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
Jetzt geöffnet bis ${formattedHours.closesAtString}
Öffnet wieder am ${formattedHours.nextOpening.opensAtString}
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Coop Verpflegung für den Nationalpark Bike-Marathon

Our catering partner COOP

You can find the complete range of high-energy products of Coop here.

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Single-Traum-Trail vom Pass Chaschauna in Richtung S-chanf. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
Single-Traum-Trail vom Pass Chaschauna in Richtung S-chanf. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
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Engadine event series

For all those looking for a challenge

Are you enthusiastic about a wide range of summer and winter sports, do you like the Engadin landscape or would you like an additional challenge? – Then sign up for the series.

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Programmheft Titelbild
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Participation is not possible without the signed disclaimer. Please bring the disclaimer with you to the start number issue so that you can start. This applies to all categories.

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The programme booklet is available!

You can find all the information about the race in the programme booklet. We look forward to seeing you in action!

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