On the roof of the race
Mountain price

Die Engadiner Bikerin Tinetta Strimer auf dem Pass Chaschauna. Bild: Dominik Täuber.
The mountain prize for the first arrival on the top of the race on the Chaschauna Pass (2694 m a.s.l.) is endowed with a prize money of CHF 2'000.

Give it your all!
The mountain price
- The first woman and the first man of the "Vallader" route (141 km) who arrive first at the Chaschauna pass will win a prize money of CHF 1'000 each.
- The first arrival counts as reaching the top of the pass, which will be marked with a "Mountain Prize" plaque.
- We would like to thank the municipality of S-chanf for sponsoring the mountain prize.

At sunrise on the roof of the race, the pass Chaschauna. View in the direction of Italy.