Aita Caflisch

Aita Caflisch
  • What does the National Park Bike Marathon mean to you personally?

The National Park Bike Marathon has been with me for a long time. Growing up in Fuldera, one of the stage starts, I witnessed many of the races as a spectator as a child. I particularly remember the bikers riding past my grandparents' house in Susch, where my grandfather helped as a volunteer from the very first event.
I've been working at TESSVM since spring 2022, which has allowed me to be even more closely involved with the event. At the 23rd edition, I took on responsibility for the volunteers from Susch to Scuol for the first time, which I particularly enjoyed.

  • What motivates you to give it your all every year?

My greatest motivation is the anticipation that is palpable among so many participants, guests and locals. Many wait all year for the National Park Bike Marathon to finally take place again. I particularly like the fact that people from different countries and regions meet here, who often only see each other at this event. Friendships are formed - both among the volunteers and among the participants who share a common passion.
On Saturday evening, it fills me with pride to see how many happy faces you have seen throughout the day. That gives me the energy to go full throttle again every year.

  • What motivates you to be part of this great event/team?

The team spirit, the cool atmosphere and the many dedicated helpers who get involved every year motivate me to be part of this great event.

  • What do you do when you're not organising the National Park Bike Marathon?

In my free time, I enjoy the outdoors - hiking in summer and skiing with my friends in winter. I'm also a member of the Ardez Music Society, where I can enjoy my hobby with my fellow musicians.
Since August 2023, I've been attending the higher technical college for tourism and management in Samedan, which gives me new insights into my professional passion.